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Preformed GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer) angle with a mesh size of 80x80 mm. It is part of the PROMETHEUS HT structural reinforcement system.
Preformed angle made of monolithic, alkali-resistant glass fibre mesh impregnated with epoxy resin.
The GFRP ANGULAR HERCUNET - STRUCTURAL NET 8080 is part of the system called PROMETHEUS HT used for reinforcing masonry using the reinforced plaster technique as required by NTC18.
The cladding of masonry with the PROMETHEUS HT structural reinforcement system envisages, in combination with the HERCUNET - RETE STRUTTURALE mesh, the use of "L" connectors with improved adherence in GFRP, ELLEKON and the use of angle profiles in GFRP, ANGULAR HERCUNET - RETE STRUTTURALE 8080.
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